The Scroll


7 Hard Truths for Christian Women in the New-Age

May 13, 2024

Have you ever stopped to think that the popular ‘do what feels right’ might actually be a GPS leading you off a cliff?

In today’s episode, I’m spilling the tea on how some trending spiritual practices might be misleading us, and sharing a jaw-dropping personal journey that turned my life around.

Stick around because you’re about to discover the seven bold truths every Christian woman needs to face head-on, cutting through the noise of New-age spirituality with the sharp sword of biblical wisdom.

01 | The Dangers of Relativism

Let’s dive into our first hard truth: the dangers of relativism. This philosophy suggests that truth is not absolute but can vary based on circumstances, culture, or personal perspective. It’s a bit like saying north on your compass can change depending on where you stand!

This sounds flexible and open-minded, but here’s the catch: if truth shifts, what do we anchor our faith to? Scripture gives us a clear counterpoint.

In James 1:17, we learn that ‘every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.’

This tells us that God’s character and truth are constant, unlike the ever-changing whims of society. Then, we have the parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27. Jesus teaches us that the wise man who builds his house on the rock—the unchanging truth of God’s word—can withstand any storm.

Think about it: if our foundations are built on the shifting sands of personal truth, how will we stand firm in life’s storms? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

Have you ever found yourself swayed by ‘your truth’ instead of ‘the truth’? Drop your experiences in the comments below and let’s unpack the real-life implications of living by shifting truths.

02 | Prayer vs. Manifestation

Moving on to our second eye-opener: Prayer versus Manifestation.

In today’s culture, there’s a growing fascination with manifestation, which essentially teaches that if you want something badly enough and visualize it, the universe will deliver. Contrast this with Christian prayer, which is fundamentally different.

According to Philippians 4:6-7, ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’

Notice the difference?

It’s not about commanding the universe; it’s about submitting to God’s will. Prayer acknowledges God’s sovereignty and seeks alignment with His divine plan, rather than trying to overwrite it with our personal wish list.

This approach doesn’t just reshape our desires—it transforms our hearts, aligning them with what God wants for us, which is ultimately far better than what we want for ourselves.

We’ll delve more into how this submission reshapes our lives and why it’s a healthier, more grounded way to live compared to the self-centric nature of manifestation.

03 | The Power of Biblical Wisdom Over Intuition

“And here’s a tough truth to chew on: the allure of intuition versus the rock-solid wisdom of scripture. In an age where ‘following your heart’ and ‘trusting your gut’ are seen as the pinnacle of personal authenticity, it’s important to remember that these feelings, as real as they may be, are not infallible guides.

Proverbs 3:5-6 offers a divine counter-narrative, urging us to ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’

This passage isn’t just poetic; it’s practical. It teaches us that our understanding can sometimes lead us astray if it isn’t anchored in something greater than ourselves.

Biblical wisdom, therefore, isn’t about ignoring our intuition but about framing it within the guidance God provides through scripture. This means actively seeking God’s word when making decisions, big or small.

The Bible doesn’t merely suggest but commands that our judgments and decisions be yoked to the insights it offers, ensuring they lead to life-giving outcomes rather than those led astray by mere feeling.

Strugglin’ in the “Just do the right thing” department? Grab the 19-page Biblical Decision Making Guide.

04 | The Importance of Community Over Individualism

Next, we’re taking a hard look at challenging cultural stereotypes, particularly those that confine Christian women to narrowly defined roles.

Let’s talk about Deborah again, from Judges 4-5. This prophetess, judge, and warrior led Israel to a monumental victory. Her story is a potent reminder that God’s vision for women stretches far beyond conventional boundaries.

Now, let’s stir the pot a bit:

While the ‘Proverbs 31 woman’ is often upheld as the epitome of biblical womanhood, she’s not the only model of what women can aspire to be. Yes, the Proverbs 31 woman is virtuous, industrious, and capable, embodying many qualities that are rightfully celebrated. But is she the sole archetype for a godly woman? Absolutely not.

Consider Deborah’s leadership, Miriam’s prophetic role beside Moses, and Esther’s courage in the face of genocide.

These women were not quietly tending to daily tasks—they were boldly stepping into God-appointed roles that influenced the destiny of nations. The inclusion of such diverse female figures in the Bible disrupts the narrative that women’s contributions are confined to the domestic sphere.

It’s a clarion call for us today: Are we, perhaps subconsciously, subscribing to a diminished view of what roles women can fill? Are we limiting what God can do through us based on societal stereotypes or even well-meaning biblical interpretations?

Deborah’s story, alongside other dynamic women of the Bible, teaches us to challenge the limits placed on us—whether by our culture, our community, or even our own interpretations of scripture.

It compels us to rise, lead, and wield our God-given strengths in ways that advance His kingdom on Earth. So, as we reflect on what it means to be a woman of faith today, let us expand our vision and embrace the full spectrum of roles that scripture lays out for us.

05 | Challenging Cultural Stereotypes

In our fifth truth, we examine the stark contrast between Christian community values and the New Age emphasis on individualism.

The New Age movement often promotes a journey of self-discovery and personal enlightenment that focuses predominantly on individual gain. However, this approach can lead to isolation and a disconnected sense of spirituality.

In contrast, Acts 2:44-47 paints a vivid picture of the early Christian community: ‘All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

This passage underscores the profound sense of unity and mutual care in the Christian faith, which is built on the foundation of fellowship and shared lives.

The principle extends beyond merely living together or sharing resources—it’s about bearing one another’s burdens, rejoicing together, mourning together, and growing together in faith.

This interconnectedness reflects the body of Christ, where each member, uniquely gifted, is called to contribute to the well-being of the whole (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

Such scriptures challenge us to reconsider modern values that glorify going it alone. They ask us to reflect on how we can foster genuine connections and look beyond our individual needs to serve greater communal purposes.

In doing so, we don’t lose our individuality; rather, we find our greatest strengths and purposes magnified and most effective within the context of community.

06 | Encouraging Active Leadership

Our sixth point delves into the need for active leadership among Christian women, a call to mobilize our faith into dynamic action.

Romans 12:6-8 doesn’t merely suggest but actively encourages us to use our God-given gifts for the benefit of our communities: ‘We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach.’

This directive makes it clear that leadership isn’t reserved for the few; it is a call to all who follow Christ, regardless of gender.

This encouragement is crucial, especially considering that women often face barriers to leadership, both within and outside religious communities. By actively stepping into leadership roles, we not only fulfill a biblical mandate but also challenge the status quo that often limits women’s roles in both church and society.

Leadership in this context doesn’t always mean taking charge of a large organization or speaking from a pulpit. It can manifest in leading a small group, advocating for justice in your community, mentoring younger women, or simply living out your faith boldly in your workplace or home.

Each act of leadership, no matter how small it might seem, contributes to a larger tapestry of change and can inspire others to do the same.

As we embrace this call, we discover that leadership is not just about authority; it’s about making a difference, advancing the kingdom, and empowering others to find their voice and calling in Christ.

For this reason I am launching a Group coaching program for Christian women to help them step boldly into the area that God has called them to lead.

Join the list to be notified when the program starts accepting students.

07 | Submission to God’s Plan

Our final point today touches on perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of our faith: submission to God’s plan, especially when it contradicts our personal desires or societal expectations.

This concept of submission is not about passivity; it’s about active trust and obedience, even when the path forward seems uncertain or contrary to our own ambitions.

It’s about recognizing that our Creator knows us better than we know ourselves and that His plans for us are for our ultimate good and His glory (Jeremiah 29:11).

Take a moment to consider the life of Jesus. In the Garden of Gethsemane, facing imminent suffering and death, He prayed, ‘Not my will, but yours be done’ (Luke 22:42).

This profound act of submission was not easy or painless, yet it was pivotal to the salvation plan. Similarly, when we align our lives with God’s will, we might find ourselves navigating paths we wouldn’t have chosen—paths that might even lead through valleys of hardship.

But there’s immense power and peace in knowing that we are in God’s hands, following His lead.

This truth hit home for me personally in a dramatic way. My journey from a life led by my own desires—a life that led to heartbreak and loss—to one guided by God’s directives was transformational.

I went from pursuing ‘my truth’ and facing its destructive consequences, to embracing God’s truth, which led to restoration and purpose. When I chose to die to my desires and live for God’s plan, the transformation wasn’t just spiritual; it was total, affecting every aspect of my life.

Listen to my testimony here:

So, as we reflect on this, let’s ask ourselves: Where might God be asking us to let go of our plans? Where might He be inviting us to trust Him more deeply?

Embracing this call to submission is not about losing our identity but finding our truest selves in Him. It’s about stepping into the life that God has dreamed for us—a life far richer and more fulfilling than anything we could devise on our own.

As we close, consider what submitting to God’s plan might look like in your life. It might be challenging, but it’s also the path to true freedom and fulfillment.


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7 Hard Truths for Christian Women in the New-Age

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