The Scroll


A Week in the Life

April 28, 2024

Behind the Scenes of My Everyday Ministries

Ever wondered what a week in the life of a mom, business owner, and site manager looks like?

Well, buckle up, buttercup, because I’m about to give you a front-row seat to the real, unfiltered rollercoaster that is my life.

From parenting highs and lows to juggling work and my passion for ministry, here’s a peek into my typical week:

Monday – A Rushed Morning and Rebranding Evenings

Mondays are a sprint from the get-go. After rushing to get my son to school (he’s currently grounded—mom life, right? 😢), my day at work was packed. Evenings are my sanctuary for creativity; I spent this one making dinner while soaking up wisdom from my favorite podcasts and working on some exciting rebranding ideas for Faith to Hope. It’s all about finding that blend of productivity and peace!

Tuesday – Prayers and Parenting

With a slew of AC units on the fritz at our community, work was back-to-back today. In the afternoon, I cherished some quiet moments with my son, and we shared prayers over the phone with my husband—his rock-solid strength from behind bars reminds us that faith can thrive anywhere.

Wednesday – Field Day Fun and Family Time

Mid-week brought a field day at school, and nothing beats seeing the joy on those little faces! I brought pizza for my son’s class which made me the coolest mom for a day. Post-work, it was off to buy new roller skates—a mom-and-son adventure. The evening was a mix of nostalgia with Clueless and prepping for an upcoming Faith to Hope workshop.

Thursday – Prayers for Safe Travels and Survivor Nights

Thursday was a whirlwind with my son off on a field trip to Atlanta. I spent the morning in prayer for their safe travels. The exhaustion of short nights started to hit, but there’s always something energizing about preparing for a live call, even if no questions came through this time. I wrapped the day with the latest episode of Survivor—my little escape.

Friday – Reflections and Rides

Celebrating the end of my son’s punishment, we took a long ride on our golf cart after school and work. It’s moments like these—talking about the beauty of God’s creation—that refill my soul. And yes, the day ended with a well-deserved indulgence in cookies and cream ice cream—a lot of it!

Saturday – Sleep and Sweet Mornings

Ah, Saturday! A day with no alarms and a little extra sleep (thank you, Jesus!). I left out breakfast for my early riser so he could enjoy his morning shows while I caught some extra z’s. A day dedicated to family and faith is truly a blessing.

Sunday – Church and Chores

Our Sunday began in worship, refreshing the spirit for the week ahead. The afternoon was all about napping (seriously hard!) and then gearing up for the new week with some meal prep and laundry.

Each week is a journey of faith, family, and finding those little moments that make life so rich. Through all the ups and downs, it’s the unwavering support from this community and my family that keeps me anchored. Here’s to another week of adventures—may it be as blessed and as real as the last!

If you’ve found a bit of your own story in mine, or if this peek into my life sparks something in you, let’s chat in the comments below or catch up on our next live session. Let’s keep making each day count, together!

Blessings and bliss,


by ashley burson-jones

I'm here to empower you with authentic, Christ-centered insights that'll help you lead and live boldly. 

Follow @Faithtohope__



behind the blog


I am the sass and soul behind this blog, where faith meets fierce. With a writing style that's as witty as it is wise, I'm here to empower you with authentic, Christ-centered insights that'll help you lead and live boldly.

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